Kundalini Awakening Crisis Resources
If you suspect you are having a kundalini awakening and are overwhelmed by the energy here are some invaluable resources and people that offer specialized support. What you will hear over and over again is to surrender to the energy. I cannot stress this enough.
Fully allow the energy to move through you whether it is shaking, thrashing, rushing or any other movement. In the moment these movements can feel scary but as long as you know and trust that these energies have your best interests at heart it will make opening to it much easier. The sooner you completely let go of trying to influence, control or restrict its movement the sooner you will begin to experience this transformation without unnecessary stress and discomfort.
A lot of times when things begin to get really intense what is needed is to just lay down and relax in to the space around what is happening within. Another word of this is your space of being. Developing this spaciousness allows you to occupy what is happening from the perspective of the witness.
You begin to grasp that you have a body and that you have a mind rather than you are the body and the mind. You will start evolving away from the mentality of the victim and towards that of the observing presence. This process is made a lot more difficult because often times our minds will be unwilling to submit to the energy and to take a back seat.
If you were like me your mind cannot conceive of anything bigger or more powerful than itself. It is this confusion and stubbornness of the intellect that can cause a tremendous amount of resistance which leads to the most challenging scenarios of suffering. Over time you will begin to notice and feel that once you relax and surrender to the energy and start to live in right relationship to it with trust and love that some where deep within you already knows that not only is this not ruining your life but that you wouldn’t trade it for anything.
This too shall pass.
Craig Holliday has created a web page that I have referred to countless times. The loving wisdom Craig provides brings you in to contact with essential information about the nature of Kundalini Energy. More specifically this page details beautiful advice about how to develop a more spacious and loving relationship with the intense energy. Just click on Craig’s name to be taken right to it!
Here are a few videos by Craig Holliday that I found early on in my journey that were incredibly enlightening and soothing.
Support for Kundalini Problems
The Bliss and Nightmare of Kundalini Awakening
The Bliss and Nightmare of Kundalini Awakening Part 2
Bonnie Greenwell is a gifted Kundalini expert and therapist with an expansive experience and knowledge of the energy that is very helpful to initiates. She has spoken with over 3,000 people who have gone through all types of experiences related to the awakening of Kundalini energy. Bonnie has written extensively on Kundalini energy and her books The Kundalini Guide and Energies of Transformation are widely acclaimed as authoritative works on the nature of Kundalini Energy. Below I posted a video of Bonnie discussing how to live with an inner revolution.
Kundalini: Living With an Inner Revolution
Kara-Leah just has this beautiful grounded and centered essence. She speaks and writes about the Kundalini process with such wisdom and grace. I always seemed to find one of her videos or articles exactly when I needed to. She also created the very popular yoga website The Yoga Lunchbox.
What ever you fully allow can never feel over whelming; it is only what you resist that feels over whelming
“Below I have listed the names and links of some amazing Kundalini Youtubers that have given me an abundance of guidance and comfort on my journey. I feel that you will be able to relate with these beautiful people and that each of their unique messages will resonate with you.”
Her Youtube channel is unbelievably authentic and raw and full of love. Her sharing her story has been such an inspiration for the creation of this website. She gives you an in depth and intimate look in to her process with Kundalini that is both vulnerable and illuminating. I know you will admire her courage to express her self honestly and that through her expressions on you tube you will learn more about your truth. She also has countless pieces of advice and tips on what to do in certain difficult scenarios.
Victor Oddo
Victor has been a very special and important person in my Kundalini process. In the early stages when I wasn’t sure exactly what I was going through I found Victor’s Youtube videos and they really helped put me at ease. Victor has such a magnetic and captivating energy and his videos are often very entertaining as well as being very informative. He is so grounded and down to earth and really knows how to make the listener feel normal. Because let’s face it this can be a crazy ride! I posted a couple of his videos below that are especially helpful for someone who is just starting the process.Carolyn went through a particularly harsh awakening. She has a wealth of knowledge for any one who is struggling or feeling hopeless. I reached out to her when I was going through a very traumatic episode and I found her to be very reassuring and supportive. Below I posted a video for anyone having an exceptionally tough time.
“The best blog/writing I’ve read that helps develop the understanding of how to work with Kundalini”
Calmdownmind.com truly saved my life. By the grace of the universe I found my way to this article when I was almost finished. In some remarkable and fitting way this website and the information contained within encapsulate some of the sagest advice I have come across for someone dealing with a traumatic Kundalini awakening and the website doesn’t mention Kundalini Awakenings at all. It is a beautiful exhibition and affirmation to the Truth. Below I posted a few articles that were the most influential in terms of leading me to the surrendered state which is really when your experience of the energy begins to change from fearful and resistant to grateful and open.
Surrender completely to what is. What ever you resist, persists.