Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures and experiences with Kundalini energy. Hope you have a nice stay!
Sharing my Kundalini Awakening story.
By giving an honest and authentic account of my Kundalini Awakening story I hope to provide hope and encouragement to those who can relate with the challenges that I went through.
It is in my heart’s desire that by providing a raw and unfiltered look into my challenges in the early stages of a Kundalini Awakening that it will give those of you who are in a similar stage something to relate to on a deep level. If you are having an especially challenging experience I have a resources page that provides the most trusted people and resources regarding the process. I also offer coaching.
This website is an attempt to put one more source out there that is positive in nature as it relates to the Kundalini. I am designing this website as if I could go back in time and click on the ideal web page that would of helped me out when I first started going through the process. If I am successful this will be a source of information that will be just what people need to find for comfort and peace of mind after they have unknowingly awakened their Kundalini.
I hope this blog inspires you to release any fear or stress that you may have about the process and what is happening to you. Through my experiences I hope you are given someone to relate to and to derive a sense of peace from.