Kundalini Flow and Spacious Awareness
The powerful kundalini energy LOVES to be channeled into ‘deep creative work.’ Kundalini is the force of creation, therefore it loves to create and build, just for the sake of creating and building. Kundalini isn’t trying to ‘get’ something from its creations, the gift IS the creating.
When we listen to the thoughts produced by the apathy and depression in our bodies, the kundalini energy isn’t able to flow and stagnates, and therefore our emotional density freezes, and our healing journey becomes more drawn out.
When we allow the kundalini to create through us, She flows and integrates into our Being in a lasting way. We become more One with the kundalini force. And our emotional density and trauma thaws and transmutes.
Yesterday I had the deep realization that I am just floating through life with no real intention. And while this type of movement (or lack thereof) can be a deeply healing and loving thing to do for our humanity, and is often just what our overburdened and traumatized nervous system needs for awhile, at a certain point we may begin to realize that we have overindulged and find ourselves sinking into a state of lethargy and complacency rather than truly resting in Beingness and healing.
Lethargy usually occurs when we become overly identified with the defeatist narratives running in our minds. Slowly we give all of our attention and focus to these defeatist narratives until we feel consumed by the heavy energies of apathy and resting in Beingness is no longer healing, because in truth we are no longer resting, we are exhausting ourselves in thinkingness, or as Adyashanti puts it, ‘the dream state of consciousness.’
Life begins to feel lifeless, dull and uninteresting. We lose connection with our heart centered desires. Time begins to drag out and a gnawing suffering ebbs within our consciousness. This feeling put into words is, “why even try anyways, whats the point? Nothing matters. God will handle it.” And of course from an absolute perspective none of these are wrong, but its important to hear who is saying that, is it the Divine Mother, is it the kundalini, or is that trauma speaking, is that emotional pain speaking?
And often times the emotional pain doesn’t need more dwelling or for you to believe what it is saying, it needs SPACE to unravel and transmute.
When we are giving all of our interest and focus to the thoughts that our trauma and shadow are producing, our awareness shrinks and we have less space and love for our trauma and pain to transform within.
It is actually a great act of love to feel the pain and trauma while keeping our awareness open and relaxed so as not getting involved with or believing the thoughts.
Everything is thought. It is so crazy- the Pleiadians were right all along. For so long I was in such denial of this Truism, because I was afraid that if its true that everything is thought, then all my negative and dark thoughts would manifest. But after countless hours of meditation and one healing crisis after another, I have discovered that this isn’t how it works.
If we spend our time believing our ‘negative’ thoughts (when I say negative I just mean thoughts not in alignment with our divine nature) experientially our vibration and frequency lowers. This doesn’t mean the scary and negative thoughts we are believing happen, it is more general when it comes to negative thoughts, because negative thoughts that go against your lifestream (which is pure love) have NO charge. Let me say this again, there is NO charge, no potency underneath your negative thoughts. And because they have no charge they therefore have no possibility of manifesting.
Like I said, the actual consequences of believing your negative thoughts, or being afraid of them and pushing them away, is just feeling your sense of well being fade and more lack based feelings and perceptions move in.
However, PURE thoughts that are in alignment with our divine nature and higher self have an extraordinary charge to them and can manifest rapidly. When I say ‘pure’ I just mean thoughts rooted in love, peace and joy. So there is nothing to fear if you find yourself caught up in believing thoughts rooted in fear, shame, apathy etc, all that happens is your frequency and vibration slowly lowers, until life provides you a wake up call (ie healing crisis) to assist you back into harmony with your divine nature.
And this divine assistance isn’t a punishment, it is just your higher self helping guide you back on mission where the feelings of love, peace and joy emanate from.
When you connect to spacious awareness, thoughts generated from trauma and opposed to your lifestream and divine nature still arise, it is just now you are no longer getting caught up in thinkingness. You aren’t contracting on the thoughts and giving them your interest. You are just simply allowing them to float by as you feel the pain underneath them while staying rooted in your spacious awareness.
As I connect and root more fully into my spacious presence, my physical life will transform rapidly. This is simply because my vibration is skyrocketing. Creating feels joyful, existence is more full, I am able to feel my pain and trauma deeper and with more love, human connection is becoming more something to explore rather then something to try to receive validation from. Life just feels more abundant and alive.
‘Wherever you are, and whatever you do, be in love.’ -Rumi