Energetic Surges During A Kundalini Awakening
About three weeks ago I was lying in bed trying to fall asleep when suddenly a surge of energy came directly in to my 3rd eye chakra.
As I closed my eyes to try to calm down I was greeted with an awe inducing show of fire works and light that lasted what might of been a flash or 15 seconds. As incredible as the display was the intensity of the energy was showing no signs of lessening and feelings and thoughts of fear abruptly arose within me asking, “are we about to go for another ride here? Do I need to brace myself?” Of course, the feelings and thoughts of fear were let go of nearly as instantaneously as they were created.
No matter how many times I’ve been through some kind of out of body energetic experience, fear always comes asking if it is needed, and every time it is sent away. The only pain that can be felt during these energetic surges is the pain that we add to them by turning them in to fear based experiences.
As I was trying to process what was happening in a calm and surrendered state a massive current of energy began descending down in to my body. It felt like I was being struck by lightning.
The suddenness and potency of the electric jolt shook me to my core. Everything in my body went completely stiff. The current was so powerful and lasting that I attempted to scream at the top of my lungs. Even though I was giving it everything I had I was only able to manage a muffled moaning sound.
After I gave up trying to scream I went in to this state where I was outside of my body witnessing what was happening. I was asking myself, “why are you screaming?”
I could have cut the energy off at any point during this surge if I had wanted to, but even though parts of me were frightened it didn’t feel bad so I stayed open to it. It was almost like my mind was the aspect of me screaming and my higher self was very calm and at ease because it knew that what was happening was supposed to be happening. No big deal. I feel like I experienced all versions of myself as the energy descended in to me.
Strangely, immediately preceding the blast of energy I had this dream like thought, a real vivid and loud thought, “the mystical experiences don’t mean anything” and then whoosh! It was some sort of knowing that was preparing me with the wisdom “listen, this isn’t anything to get infatuated with or concerned about, it’s just energy. It is going to move through you right now in a very physical and intense way. But know, that is is you, it is your life force and it is re-orienting and purifying you.”
After the most intense surge melted away I had a few more jolts and then I dozed off in to a really deep and restful sleep.
Right when you think you’ve got this whole awakening process under control you are humbled in to surrendering once again.
When we are having direct experiences with life that transcend our intellectual and reasoning capacity it is sage to let go identifying with those aspects completely. They are left brain oriented and good for doing calculations but don’t have much to offer when intuition and instinct are what is required.
Your deeper self that is wired to your right brain, intuition and instinct is always your best guide during these experiences. And the way these aspects guide you is with feelings and instincts. I instinctively always know that the confusing and bizarre energetic surges are healing me. The only time I didn’t have this knowing was in the very beginning when I was completely cut off from my intuition and completely reliant on my intellect.
The day following this latest energetic surge was all about embracing my darkness. The influx of so much energy dusted up copious amounts of darkness that were hiding away and going undetected. That is the gift of these energetic surges. They make you so much more aware of what you were previously unconsciously carrying around within you.