
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures and experiences with Kundalini energy. Hope you have a nice stay!

Awakening in the Belly

Awakening in the Belly

A lot of the terror that you are experiencing may be originating in your belly.

The belly is the energetic epicenter for intense feelings and sensations that your superego would prefer you not to feel (an open and conscious belly is in many ways the death of the superego – at least in how it was able to function in your psyche previous to consciousness awakening in your gut).

This is why it is so common when spiritual aspirants are asked what they are feeling in their gut to report maybe a slight clench or even a lack of sensation altogether, responding ‘nothing really.’

Numbness is another word for lack of sensation – and numbness is a sensation – albeit a sensation veiling other more explosive and dynamic sensations.

Eventually, whether our superego likes it or not, the kundalini will prioritize awakening in the gut.

And the early stages of awakening in the gut can feel down right awful. The unconscious energies in the belly are much less refined than the energies in the chakra centers that sit above it. They have this earthly solidity to them that can be deeply unsettling to the spiritual ego with its ideas of fluffier versions and stories of ‘waking up.’

As awareness starts rooting into the belly we can feel all sorts of dense and frozen traumas making their way to the surface. I will even describe the process of becoming realized in my gut as feeling downright icky and gross at times.

It’s no wonder why the belly is a commonly avoided and bypassed energy center by spiritual seekers of all backgrounds and lineages.

I have realized that part of the reason I chose to live out of my car for periods at a time was because aspects of me were desperately striving to live only from the heart up, wanting nothing to do with rooting down into the more dense and unrefined energy centers below.

But over time as our unfolding deepens, we really have nowhere else to go but down and in if we truly want to be fully liberated.

A recent surge of terror inspired me to write this blog post. And what felt really unique about this most recent surge of terror is how much I was able to identify that it wasn’t at all about the present moment. I was able to intuit and sense that it was a very old terror – perhaps even from a past life.

And during my inward explorations I was able to notice that essentially all of the energies and sensations that I was labeling as ‘terror’ were essentially emanating from the space of my belly.

⚡ The following are the most valuable revelations and pointers that I have discovered when it comes to working with terror as we are awakening in our bellies ⚡

-terror resides in the belly, and when it gets triggered it flushes upwards into the heart, throat, eyes and brain (this is also known as hypervigilance and is an unconscious reaction)

-meeting terror with our awareness at its source (the belly) helps you to stay grounded and see reality as it actually is

-when we are unable to meet terror at its source and it rises upwards, it is easier to become ungrounded and start to identify with and believe the terror (you will begin to see the world through terrified eyes if you are unable to stay rooted into your belly)

-as the energy of terror moves upwards our energy field will begin to feel more frenetic and buzzy

-however when we are rooted in the belly its very difficult to believe the terror – you see that the terror is NOT who you are and your energy field will feel more settled and at rest (you probably won’t be able to meet your terror in your belly every time as you are starting out - this will be a gradual process so don’t be hard on yourself)

 -initially it may take an immense amount of focus, intention and attention to keep awareness rooted in the belly while the storms of terror rage (as the terror clears out and more light enters it becomes easier)

-over time with commitment to the process, the terror will eventually start burning up and your belly will become much more energetically spacious

-in other words, the light of consciousness starts filling in where there was once unconscious terror, and our belly slowly becomes a new home for our awareness to live, act and speak from.

-avoiding the unconscious terror in our bellies is one of the main causes that we repeat old patterns and create more karma (the belly is where a lot of people stop progressing on the spiritual path)

-becoming comfortable with undesirable sensations in the gut is key to cultivating the willingness to live from your lower energetic centers (making friends with the difficult sensations and seeing them as your benevolent allies that are here to assist you in living a more embodied life on Earth will go a long way in helping your consciousness re-orient towards embracing the energies in your belly rather than pushing them away)

-liberating the suppressed energies in the belly is a doorway into feeling that you belong here on Earth (you’ll be more grounded and powerful which will result in feeling less at the effect of circumstances and environments - waking up in your belly dissolves victim consciousness)

-We can have all the insights and upper chakra openings, but if we aren’t conscious in our belly, life on Earth will be a struggle (especially for empaths and the energetically sensitive) - and yes life as a human being on Planet Earth may always inherently be somewhat of a struggle, but if we are rooted in our gut we will have the strength to persevere and live our Truth despite what challenges may arise

-being open and rooted in the belly will also provide the grounded foundation that is necessary to receive being flooded with even more of the Grace that descends from above, enlightening and upgrading our consciousness - because we can only receive so much if we aren’t willing to do the at times gritty work of anchoring the Light into Earth (that’s really what this whole process is about)

 -The most important thing I can impart to you in this blog post is that if you’re not aligned with Truth it will be very difficult for you to be open in your belly - you will probably feel a deep and immovable clench. In my experience it is only when we are living the Truth that our bellies will fully open.

I hope that this post inspires all of you to spend a little more time with the fire in your belly, it will set you free 🔥

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