Non-Physical Guidance During A Kundalini Awakening
Look to the non physical for guidance and support during your kundalini awakening. Not that long ago I was hitting a real low. My business growth was stagnating, my inner world was chaos, and I was mis-perceiving a powerful new connection I have made in a way that was causing me a lot of pain.
While I was in this angry, sad and very disappointed inner state, I literally started kicking rocks. After a few moments of kicking rocks I found the rock that is pictured at the top of this blog. I paused, confused how I had even seen the rock, because I was so stuck in my minds negativity that I wasn’t even aware of where I was. As I picked up the rock I thought, ‘how divine, a rock shaped precisely like a heart.’ Then I looked all around me at the awe-inspiring view in every direction.
This is from last fall from out front deck in Montana, USA
I looked up and said, “everything is going to work out isn’t it?” and then wave after wave of goosebumps and shivers descend into my being through my crown chakra.
With tears in my eyes I walked into my Studio with my new heart shaped rock and instantly saw 33333 and shortly after I saw 44444. Throughout the rest of the day I allowed myself to start receiving from the Universe and opened myself up to more Grace from above. I let go of my struggle and put my faith in Life. I knew all the answers were in my heart, and that the pain I was creating for myself was trying to bring me back into my heart where our connection with Source comes through.
If you’re kundalini process has you feeling a lot of pain, connect with the non physical in a deeper way. Open yourself up to receiving the answers to why your pain feels so challenging and overwhelming.
The answers you receive may not take your pain away, but at least you will come to understand how the pain is serving you. Until you are able to see and feel how your pain is serving you, it will remain.
However, when we put our faith in the non-physical, the realizations and insights to why our pain is in our life and how it is serving us come flooding into our consciousness. As we start learning how our pain is serving us, we are able to become more deeply allowing and surrendered, and then the kundalini can integrate more fully.
And then, as our kundalini process integrates on a deeper level, our pain begins lessening, and apertures to newer states of consciousness are revealed.
When we see and feel the that the Universe is trying to change the world through us, when we see that we are an instrument for powerful and positive change on this earth, our trust in the challenging kundalini process grows, and our pain becomes worth it.
The easiest way to discover a connection with the non physical is to cultivate a connection to your Self. As you cultivate this connection with your Self, you root out anything within that is blocking the kundalini’s ability to flow and integrate.
Any neurosis, psychological issue, anxiety, tension, trauma or shadow aspect come to the surface to be burned away while we maintain our connection with our Self.
“On the other side of pain is magic.” -Kyle Cease
I’ve found that ‘plugging in’ to my Self has brought a new dimension of healing and awareness to my kundalini awakening process. It is truly my hope that by investing your time into connecting with your Self, that the connection with the non-physical that will naturally spring forth, will transform your painful experience with the kundalini into a deeply healing and peaceful one.
How I connect with my Self:
Yin Yoga
Turning my phone off for long periods of time
See: ‘Healing From A Kundalini Awakening Through Connecting With Silence’