
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures and experiences with Kundalini energy. Hope you have a nice stay!

The Power Of Focus

The Power Of Focus

You might remember my Inner Alien from my ‘Transforming Shame’ post. If you haven’t read my ‘Transforming Shame’ post just know that my Inner Alien is another name for my shame. In this post I experimented with getting deeply in touch with my shame and allowing it to speak through me and to give me guidance and advice. Here is what my ‘Inner Alien’ (shame) said to me:

Learn to love ‘deep work’ by repeatedly doing ‘deep work’.

The most powerful weapon that is being used against you and your creative impulses and inspirations is the shrinking of your attention span. Your culture has ingeniously gotten you addicted to technology and staring at a screen. This screen emits a frequency that is in contrast with your creative drive and the frequency it produces puts humans into a passive and lethargic state.

Your society knows that by stripping away the populaces attention spans that they inevitably take away each individuals capacity for change, because true transformation and change takes a tremendous amount of focus. Let go of your society’s social conditioning and cultivate your focus every day. It is by far your greatest asset in reshaping the world within and around you.

Humans are being aggressively programmed to jump from thing to thing without immersing deeply into anything. Withdrawing from this programming may cause a certain amount of discomfort and agitation. Part of your world is being controlled by frequencies intending to distract and pull humans away from their inherit depth. This depth of being contains a dimension of consciousness that nearly all humans have forgotten about.

It is a place that when touched, awakens the human from their dream state of consciousness that identifies with every thought that comes their way. If humans can become free of their identifications with thought, then they have a chance to overcome the plethora of mindless distractions and toxic entertainments that they are engaging with in an almost stupefied and trance like way.

The distortions being projected on your Planet right now have been developed to keep you in a perpetual shallow experience always craving the next shallow stimulation.

This movement is the antithesis to creativity and your true nature since you are pure creative energy.

Without the space in between movements humans can never ask the important questions and therefore are unable to ever access the dimension of consciousness that is beyond the conditioned mind. Without access to this dimension, true transformation isn’t possible because we are only improving our story and no real, deep and lasting change is occurring.

When you bounce from thing to thing there is no real inertia created and your creative movement just barely treads water or even worse begins to sink.

If you know one thing know this: Whatever you give attention and focus to begins to build momentum.

And when something builds momentum it keeps building more momentum until we shift our focus. This goes for your creative inspirations and your mindless smart phone use. The more creative you are the more creative you want to be. The more you engage in mindless entertainment and useless screen time the more easily it is to slip into that behavior. “You are what you repeatedly do.”

Freeing yourself from the bondage of the lower frequency programs that keep you from feeling the depth of each moment allows for a powerful counter movement of presence to enter your being because life starts supporting you because you are no longer swimming upstream and have let go in to the flow of life. Life wants you to succeed and to live a life full of joy and love. Life always supports life.

The other thing to know: Align with life. And life, like you, is pure creative energy. “Creativity is God’s gift to you. Using your creativity is your gift back to God.”

When you become focused on surface level stimulation, achieving a result becomes the primary focus. Activities and people become a means to an end. This blocks the higher realms from assisting you.

The result becomes another craving to ease the pain created by not having access to the dimension within that is beyond the mind. When you let go of the attention span diminishing programs you begin tasting a fruit that is much sweeter than that of any that a result can produce.

When you become scattered with mindless and surface level distractions, entertainment and thoughts you dispense with your energies in unproductive ways. And when you dispense with your energies in unproductive ways two things happen:

1)      The loss of creative energy.

2)      A domino effect is triggered, because the distractions take you further away from your essence and create an imbalance within, and this leads to a momentum of imbalance, which results in more imbalanced choices.

This movement can always be stopped and reversed in any moment that you choose to do what your heart is yearning to do, but it is hard to hear your heart speak when we have a lot of momentum in the opposite direction.

Know this: It is ALWAYS better to just be and do nothing than it is to mindlessly stare at a screen if you are trying to cultivate a connection to that dimension within you that is beyond the mind.

This is because it is much more advantageous to just ‘be’ then it is to dispense with your energies in foolhardy ways. When you are doing ‘no-thing’ you are actually cultivating your energies for contemplation and inwardly focus. And often times doing this leads to creative inspirations and impulses. However, when you engage in mechanical and mindless entertainment, you are just draining yourself of your vital and creative energy.

The restoration of this energy is pivotal if the dimension of consciousness beyond the mind has not been accessed. You will need every drop of energy to go deep enough within to begin tasting and feeling the energy of your ‘space of being.’

You will notice that when you overcome resistance and sink into productive work that feels good to your soul that there is inherently less of a desire or even no desire to find superficial stimulation. And conversely, the more you partake in superficial stimulation the more you seek superficial stimulation.

Know this: Life is a game of energy and momentum.

This physical reality is all about directing focus and the more you direct your focus towards the process of the pursuits you love, and that excite you, the more life blooms within you. And as you are already well aware, life is a mirror. Life is always reflecting back to you your inner state of being which is comprised of your beliefs and what you do, and maybe even more importantly, what you don’t do.

This is why you are here right now. It has been necessary for you to do the work of purging your limited beliefs so that you can begin to release the hold that these destructive frequencies have on you. Even after knowing this you will still slip and fall into the old patterns. And that is okay, this is a process and these patterns are woven deep within the fabric of your energetic body/ethereal body so of course it will take time for them to be fully expunged.

As you begin to be more and more free of the pull of these passive-destructive-distracting energies you will feel more and more energy pulling you to be creative. The simple act of sitting down every day to create will do more than anything to pull you from the old and into the new.

When you have released all of the old programming from your being your heart will begin to start opening and you will have more clarity about your purposes in this reality.

For now, just keep following your highest excitement without any insistence or expectations on the result. Have faith and trust that whatever you encounter is there to serve your highest good and keep taking the next most exciting step. Don’t over-complicate this reality and what is being asked of you.

Psychic Openings And Sweetness Of Emotion

Psychic Openings And Sweetness Of Emotion

Surrendering To The Kundalini And Balancing Your Hormones

Surrendering To The Kundalini And Balancing Your Hormones