Manifesting For The Newly Awakened (And Why It Can Be So Difficult)
Manifesting early in an awakening can be extremely difficult.
I’m referring to the stage after the ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ when we feel like we are barely surviving. Obviously if you’re going through the ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ manifesting is the last thing on your mind.
I’m talking about the phase that I’m currently in. Where we feel like we have finally come out of the ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ (or at the very least are on our way out) and have a desire to start engaging with the outside world again.
All of sudden there is this energy coursing through you that is demanding to be expressed in some creative way. You have all of these new insights and knowings about who you truly are and you are excited to create a reality that is more aligned with your heart and more of a reflection of your authentic self.
This is very exciting because you are thinking OMG I’ve got it! This is it! This is my life now! So in my case you sit down and create a blog and 6 posts in a span of 3 days…
I remember the energy was so intense that I had to force myself to take breaks. It was almost as if I was going to overheat. Every time I write I wonder why I ever stop. It feels so exhilarating to be in the flow state especially when you have however many watts of Kundalini Energy flowing through you. In my case it was just a matter of my body being able to handle the influx of so much charged energy flowing through me. I couldn’t sustain it for long periods of time and soon after there would be the inevitable burn out.
Part 1: Challenges
And that leads me to why manifesting is difficult early after awakening.
-Your vibration is very up and down. This makes it difficult, if not impossible to sustain the action and energy that is necessary to turn ideas and inspirations into physical manifestations.
-SO MUCH energy is being used up and allocated towards the inner work that comes with an awakening (all of the intense processing and energetic upgrading, not to mention the neurological shifts that can leave us in dysfunctional states from time to time) that there just isn’t enough energy left over to put towards creating the outer manifestations. BUT that’s okay because while we are going through these shifts we are purging a lot of the heaviness within us that is making manifesting difficult in the first place so that in time we will be able to manifest faster than ever!!
-This goes to the point that I just made; we are purging a lot of suppressed energy and a lot of times the best and quickest way for this to happen is to be constantly triggered. When we are always being triggered it can put us out of commission for days at a time due to all of the intense processing that we are undergoing. This inevitably stalls all of that momentum we had generated towards manifesting our dreams. I’ve found that creating something out of nothing takes A LOT of energy and momentum and that if we are always dealing with our shadow that it can be very difficult.
-Who we are is changing so rapidly and because of that what we actually really want is changing just as fast. This makes it difficult to sustain the energy required because we tend to get scattered and question ourselves all the time “is this what I really want” BUT that’s a good thing because the contrast is just providing more clarity and is helping us hone in on what our souls REALLY want.
-We are so wide open and FEEL everything and this can be a new experience and can make life a challenge to move through for quite some time.
Part 2: The Purpose
-I feel the purpose of this stage is to develop your trust in life, the universe, your guides, higher self or God. It is about REALLY learning to trust Source and Source communicates with us through our intuition, feelings and emotions. It is a wonderful time to refine our intuitive abilities.
-This time will bring up all of our negative beliefs and limiting self beliefs to be seen and integrated.
-The reality is that the Planet and Spirit needs you to be the person that you are dreaming of becoming but before you can become that person there is a lot of healing and letting go still to do. The great part is that following your excitement will accelerate this process. So even if you aren’t seeing the results on the physical plane, internally you will be growing at a rapid pace.
-You are going to blast through your concerns about others opinions of you. You will notice that when you take this what you think is a HUGE stand of being who you really are that nothing really happens. A lot of your fears about (coming out as spiritual) are really only illusions and the theater of your imagination. BUT when you do step into your power, internally there is just a massive shift that impacts all areas of your life. It is truly amazing.
Part 3: Advice
-What are we really after when we want to manifest something? Usually, we think that it will make us feel better. That’s the primary reason we ‘want’ anything outside of ourselves, whether it be an experience, or a thing. When we are struggling to manifest what we think we want it teaches us that wholeness is found within and is something that never leaves no matter what the external world looks like. We find that circumstances don’t matter. Only our state of being matters. And our state of being is determined by how we respond to circumstances.
-This process of being co-creators is teaching me that without self-love nothing else really matters. Life just flows when love is present and conversely life can feel very hard in the absence of self love.
-It is the manifest(ing) and creat(ing) that we desire not the manifestations and creations. The destination is just an excuse for the journey because in Truth there is no destination only eternal growth and expansion.
-Don’t take it all so seriously! After all, it is just an illusion for our soul’s growth. Avoid comparison and realize that every soul came here to learn a different lesson and that your path is unique and that no one gets to judge it because they don’t fully know your life experience.
-Remember the primary purpose of this experience is to ‘wake up’ and ‘remember’ that you are a greater being. Just have fun and play with reality. The essence of reality and the essence of you is pure love.
-Let go of your insistence that it has to look a certain way. Just go with your feelings= they are what is real. Just keep following your excitement with NO EXPECTATIONS. Allow life to show you the way. Just enjoy the feeling of being in the flow. Savor it. That’s what you are really after.
-We begin to see the value in the contrast and disappointment. When we can learn to maintain our inner harmony even when conditions seem disappointing, then our inner state doesn’t become conditional on our outer conditions looking a certain way. This is invaluable because then we become much freer to take chances and risks that can potentially pay off BIG TIME down the line because external circumstances no longer matter to us.
-Something I’m going to try: A lot of times when we aren’t feeling inspired to act we have to realize that once we make the decision to act then the energy will show up. ‘Do the thing and then you have the power.’ Yes, sometimes the inspiration will be overwhelming and that makes it easy but other times (and this is something I’ve got to get better at) the energy comes after we have created focus towards something. I’m going to try to sit down every day to write and see if the energy will support me even if when I start I’m not feeling all that motivated.
-With his said DON’T force it. If rest feels inspiring (and yes, rest can feel inspiring) then rest and don’t try to be creative. The times to ease into action is when you are feeling bored or restless.