Shifting Realities
The universe is forever and in every moment providing for us opportunities to stay as we are or to shift to a new timeline of existence.
All the selves we can imagine ourselves as already exist. We are choosing every moment which one of those selves to embody and experience. For some of us, like myself, the old has to become unbearably painful before we allow the shift in to the new and more expanded version of ourselves.
As I go through the shift I’m currently going through I am trying to draw from my past shifts and integrate the lessons I’ve learned, usually the hard way. Shifts are not inherently meant to be difficult, unless we need them to be. The only thing that makes shifting from who you are to who you know you are inevitably becoming difficult, is resisting the dynamics involved with the shift.
The dynamics often involve confronting our fears. The longer I travel this path the more I come to realize it isn’t about facing any fears ‘out there’. Instead, this journey is about facing our inner demons that are reflected in our fears of ‘out there’. Once we face our inner demons and extinguish them through having the courage to shine the light of presence on them without resistance, the fears we thought we had about the external world begin to dissolve.
Underneath the resistance is fear. Our ego thinks that if it does what it has always done that we will be kept safe. Everything in life seems okay from this perspective of repeating the past until life spontaneously begins pressuring you to grow, transform, expand, evolve and let go of everything in the process.
Your whole life gets shaken up to an extent that you don’t even recognize life as it used to be. Something else has taken the wheel and you are now just the passenger.
At an earlier point you had the illusion that you were in control and this illusion gave you comfort, but ultimately it limited the depth of which you could experience life.
I’m learning that positive and growth oriented shifts can sometimes look like temporary set backs. This perception can be transformed by realizing that some times our ego needs a humbling experience that teaches us humility. Without humility, our ego tends to run amok with its persistent wantingness and desires that are at times not in alignment with our highest nature.
As spiritual beings living a temporary human experience we are served to honor and love the ego rather than bash and ridicule it for its smallness. Without it, we couldn’t experience physicality and its infinite depth of growth opportunities. But when we try to understand our life solely from the perspective of the ego it is like trying to see the entire world while looking through a key hole.
Merging with our higher self can provide us the insight and guidance that we need when our human down here in physical reality is lost and confused about how to shift realities. We may receive our guidance through a feeling in our body, an audible voice, an inner knowing that is irrefutable or our higher self may speak to us through our friends and family. There is no limit to the ways that the higher aspects of our Self can assist us on our earthbound journey.
We must also realize that we are our higher selves, but when we agreed to come here, we knew that we would temporarily forget who we really are. The primary purpose of this 3D experience is to remember who we truly are.
When we choose not to trust our inner knowing that this physical existence is just one aspect of who we are we become so attached to our ego that we begin creating shell after shell to protect ourselves. When we aren’t connected to all that we are we ultimately cannot draw our validation from within and we turn outward for approval and acceptance.
From this perspective, we don’t dare risk exposing the essence of who we are to the world because to be rejected means to be annihilated.
When we connect with the knowing that we are infinite beings, who are multi-dimensional and that death is only an illusion, then nothing in this world is ever needed again. And from this perspective ANY reality of who we are is possible to experience in this moment right now. It is only when we feel we need things from this world that we limit ourselves to the experience we are currently having.