The Truth About the Law of Attraction
The truth about the law of attraction is that it doesn’t work if we believe that we need our conditions to change in order to feel better.
Law of attraction only works when we feel like we already have that which we want. Universal law recognizes that a desire for something actually serves to block our ability to get it. The reason is because when we desire something it comes from a place of ‘not having’ which is really just a sense that something is ‘lacking’ and when we have a lack based vibration within the universe sends us more of what we are putting out (lack).
In reality, something comes in to our life because we have chosen it. This choice resulted from our intention for it to happen. Our intentions derive from our inner vibration. We may be saying one thing but feeling and meaning another. The universe doesn’t care what we are saying it only responds to what we are feeling and meaning.
If we are desperate for something and feeling an empty cravingness for it that signal is put out to the universe and is reflected back to us. Even if we get what we want from this perspective we would still feel a sense of lack within. This is illustrated clearly by the copious amounts of extremely material wealthy people that still feel a nagging sense of emptiness and lack within. No matter what things you attract in to your life from a vibration of emptiness and lack that vibration still remains until an inner shift occurs.
“Desire is fueled by the illusion of lack and that the source of happiness is outside oneself and therefore has to be pursued or acquired. The importance of the object of desire is thereby inflated and overvalued by its symbolism and mystique. The pleasure of the sense of Self is blocked by desire. When that desire is fulfilled, the ego ascribes the resultant sense of joy to the acquisition of an external. However, this is a clever illusion because the actual source of the pleasure is that the block to experiencing the joy of the Self has been temporarily removed. The source of the experienced happiness is the radiance of the Self that shines forth when it is not shut off by an ego distress.”
Before undertaking deliberate manifesting it is crucial to know the things I have already mentioned otherwise your plane won’t ever get off of the ground. This is something I go back and forth on myself and sometimes really love the wise words spoken by Adyashanti on the matter of LOA, “I would rather see what the universe manifests for me.” So if and when LOA feels frustrating it is always a pointer to go within and know that you already have everything you need and that deliberate creation is just a way for you to express through you hearts desires.
The popularized, scientific and simple step by step process of the LOA:
1) Clarity of what you want; mediate on it and feel as if you already have it.
2) Make sure you can believe it can happen.
3) Release resistance; in other words don’t put distance between you and your desires by craving it or thinking you need it to be happy. The fear and sense of lack that craving something generates within can be palpably felt and consumes a lot of energy that keeps you from what you want.
4) Say to yourself and mean it that I would love this and enjoy the thought of it but I don’t need it. I will be perfectly happy and fine without it. It is our placing so much importance on something happening that actually keeps it from happening. We don’t get in the energetic state of allowing when we are worried, lusting or thinking we need to suffer for something.
While simple and effective, I personally feel like the traditional method puts too much emphasis on the conditions manifesting in a specific way. It tends to create more resistance within me.
I love this perspective on LOA: We only use the fantasizing, dreaming and visualizing to achieve a higher vibration within and then we drop the the images completely. This is because what you often think you want is only 5% of what you could actually get because our minds are limited so therefore we limit ourselves with our own desires.
The key is to get in to the higher vibratory flow state and then to take inspired action from this place and allow our higher self to bring us what serves us the best.
Maybe your desire is to write a best-selling book. Using the law of attraction you may get what you want but if you had dropped the specific desire all together and just started producing work in the flow state without expectations you might end up writing a plethora of best-selling books, become a great public speaker, start a business, and who knows what else. The point is that our physical mind has no grasp of what we are truly capable of and it is best to just leave it our higher self. The only thing we need to concern ourselves with is following our highest excitement without expectations.
Once we are in the flow state and loving what we are doing we realize that it is the manifesting and the creating that we love not the manifestations and creations. The juice of life is being in the flow. Once we are in the flow for long enough of course things will change but it won’t even matter at that point because we have come to realize that conditions don’t matter, only our state of being matters and that our state of being is determined by how we respond to our conditions. We over value the manifestations and creations because we think that they will make us feel better. But the truth is that the only thing that makes us feel really really good is living in alignment.
It really doesn’t matter what manifests as a result of our creating in the flow state because when we are creating from the vibration of joy we are already tasting the best that life has to offer. And when we are in a state of joy and gratitude we detach from needing conditions to change to feel better and just feel better because we are doing what we love and that’s when everything starts effortlessly flowing in to our lives.